In Luke 4:18, Jesus declares that He is uniquely anointed to bring healing to the broken places in people’s hearts, to set captives free, and to lead prisoners into liberty. Jesus brings restoration to people’s lives. Inner Healing deals with our response to hurts and memories from the past, including repressed memories. These hurts and memories may affect our lives in the form of bad memories, a feeling of worthlessness and inferiority, fears and anxieties, the inability to feel loved and accepted, and so much more. They may come from such things as the separation from a parent through illness, divorce, or death (which can be experienced as rejection), or the experiences of failure or lack. It can also come from such things as overwhelming fear, abuse, and/or a family history of problems such as alcoholism, violence, sexual abuse, church abuse, or the involvement in the occult, and/or any unresolved burden of guilt.
Some of these hurts come from the fact that we are living in a fallen world. Events happen, such as accidents, disease, poverty, and natural disasters that are not of deliberate choice. Hurts can come from your own wrong choices and responses. Many times, memories are pushed below your conscious thinking, where they stay and are felt in debilitating ways(repressed) . These memories can express themselves in your lives as fear, anger, anxiety, resentment, self-hate, guilt, unforgiveness, an inability to trust, and/or persistent irrational beliefs, etc. When you suppress the hurt so that you can cope, the memory is not dealt with and remains by eventually incapacitating you.
Inner Healing ministry shows you the different areas of emotional hurt and helps you to identify such things as defense mechanisms, inner vows, bitter roots, inner vows, and so much more. Inner Healing ministry seeks the presence of the Holy Spirit and asks for His discernment and knowledge of where ungodly beliefs, unhealthy expectancies, and tormenting judgments exists as a result of emotional and mental wounds.
Dr. David Seamands, a Methodist theologian of whom I was first introduced to inner healing (or emotional healing as he calls it) says in his book "Healing for Damaged Emotions": There is something you need to understand and that is that the gospel is most practical and gets right down to where you live. (I Cor. 2:2) As Americans, we have been weaned on indiscipline, indecency, and sensuality, we are living in modern Corinth. In our society, it is difficult for anyone to grow to young adulthood without suffering some damage. There are scores of young men and women who were fed a lot of false and harmful ideas/information by well-meaning but ignorant parents, preachers, authority figures. Now they are unfit for marriage, unable to be husbands, wives, who can live without fear, guilt, and shame. Damaged? Yes, badly. God has divine repairs and healing for you. We believe in the scripture Romans 8:26 about the Holy Spirit who “helpeth our infirmities”. Many modern translations use “weaknesses” or “cripplings” in place of the word infirmities. One meaning of the word “help” has a medical connotation, suggesting the way a nurse helps in the healing process. So, it is not simply “to take hold of on the other side,” which is the literal meaning of that verb, but that the Holy Spirit becomes your partner AND helper and works along with us in mutual participation, for your healing.”(Seamands, David, 1981, Healing for Damaged Emotions, Cook Publishing)
These general Biblical principles must be followed in order for you to receive fully your healing for those damaged emotions, soul wounds, and repressed memories:
1: Face the issues head on;
2: Accept your responsibility in the matter;
3: Ask YOURSELF if you really WANT to be healed;
4: Forgive everyone who is involved in the problem(s);
6: Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what your REAL problem is and how you need to pray.
Inner healing is simply this: letting Jesus take the memories, hurts, deep wounds of your past and 1) Heal you from the inner(emotional, soul) wounds that still remain in your memories or subconscious and affect your present lives; 2) Fill all those places with His love that have for so long remained empty. It is asking the Holy Spirit to walk you back to that point of injury and heal the deepest wounds; wounds caused by trauma or abuse that are too much to cope with. The need for Inner Healing is indicated when a false identity is rooted in some emotional wound from the past. The idea is to ask Jesus to walk back with you to the time you were hurt and free you from the effects of that wound in the present. This involves 2 things: a) bringing to light the things that have hurt you. (Usually this is best done with another person; even talking out the problem is in itself begin the healing process) and b) praying and asking the Lord what door has been opened, to heal the binding effects of the hurtful incidents of the past and to close that door. There may also be a need for forgiveness of the offending party on the part of the one needing healing. There will be a need to receive healing from Jesus regarding the inner hurt and there may also be a need for deliverance. It is renouncing the lie that you have believed about you and that wound and to exchange that lie for the Truth. The Truth will be what God's Word says!
Trauma or abuse can be an entry point for demonic influence. When someone says they are tormented by anxiety, fear, guilt, anger or any other emotion, there is a strong possibility that they have DEEP soul wounds that are being tormented by the demonic. Inner Healing gets to that root of the wounded parts of the soul and getting you healed.
Isaiah 61 speaks of setting the captives free and binding up the broken hearted. Inner Healing goes to those broken places, the hurts, the painful emotions, and binds up the broken hearted.
Inner Healing is also a tool for sanctification.
Processing through issues of forgiveness, repentance, and rejecting the lies you have believed is a very sanctifying process. As we strip away all the broken ways of thinking and the faulty foundations, a redeemed mind, healthy life patterns, and firm foundations begin to develop. The main components for Inner Healing Prayer are Forgiveness, Repentance, and Replacing lies with the Truth.
So many problems go all the way back to the womb. We listen for problems of today, but we will also ask you about your “childhood”. Sin is not the issue- it is the ”brokenness” behind it. When we get to the root- the sin gets taken care of.
Deliverance, preservation, safety, and salvation IS the meaning of SOTERIA.
The Goals of Inner Healing are:
1: GET TO THE ROOT: So many of the things that keep people in bondage are hidden deep beneath the surface.(that’s the way the devil likes it!!) People struggle mightily with anxiety, fear, anger, and other negative emotions, but yet are at a complete loss as to why they are there in the first place. Before a person can truly be set free, they must have eyes to see what is at the root of their problems. Soteria partners with the Lord to help guide the hurting to the root of their pain.
2: REALIGN WITH THE TRUTH: God has built spiritual and physical laws into His creation. They apply to everyone’s lives whether they are aware of them or not. Love is the essential ingredient that fulfills all of these laws. By realigning people with the tools of love, forgiveness, mercy, and grace, and applying them to the root issues, those roots begin to lose their power. The damaging effect they have had on lives subsides. That which was out of rhythm with God’s perfect design is removed.
3: WALK IN VICTORY: The Cross was the final victory over sin and death. Victory was and is always there for the taking, yet sin and death are still hard at work to keep us from truly experiencing the freedom Christ has brought us. By healing the areas of hearts that have not yet come into agreement with this truth, they will experience the true freedom that God intended them to have. They can now experience victory and lift the illusion of defeat.