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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Plans for a Hope and a Future

March 2025

Welcome to March! I’m sure we are all getting the itch to experience warmer weather and get outside.  While we wait on Mother Nature to catch up to our desires- I want to share something with you and would like you to put on your prayer list and agree it comes to fruition.

When I went through my divorce back in 2006, I walked away from my relationship with the Lord and got into a life of sin. I lived that life for about 6 years and God was so loving and patient with me. He used the birth of my grandson Urijah to begin my turn around back into the Kingdom.  I got back into church and turned my back on my old lifestyle- letting go of friends and relationships so I could grow my relationship with Jesus. 

I was always the “good girl.” I looked the part that everybody wanted to see but inside, my heart was not right.  I had a “holier than thou” attitude and looked down on people who struggled and didn’t know Jesus.  My 6 years of living a precarious lifestyle opened my eyes to the real world.  I saw things and witnessed things that made me grow up quickly.  I am not ashamed of those 6 years because I realize today that God was building character and ministry in me even though I was in sin. When I would party on weekends and would go home and get into my bed, it never failed that Jesus would speak to me and say, “THIS is not MY best for you.”    I would dismiss those thoughts and drift off to sleep. Every weekend – it was the same. He never once condemned me, but He sure convicted me. He loved me  through my worst – He loves us all so much. 

When I found a church and began attending faithfully, I got onto the prayer team and was able to pray with people at the altar – or anywhere they asked for prayer. One young lady came to me one Sunday and asked me to pray for her and her children. When I looked closer - I noticed bruises. Her daughter, approximately 8 or 9 years old came up and stood next to her and I noticed bruises on this child. She related a story to me of her live-in boyfriend, his temper and his drinking. She related how he broke a chair over her and hit her children. He went to jail but was not convicted and he was due to return home in a few days.  THAT experience did something to my heart. I prayed for this young mom and her daughter, but I never forgot her. I never saw her again but that day a fire began to burn in my heart for hurting people.

One Saturday as I sat on my enclosed back porch and drank my coffee, He began to pour into me something that I have carried for over 12 years. He reminded me of Habakkuk 2:3 that says: “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie; though it tarries, wait for it because it will surely come; wait for it.” I wrote everything down in a journal and prayed over it for a couple of years and when nothing transpired, I put the vision and the journal away and didn’t think of it again until recently.  Out of nowhere recently He reminded me of what He had given me and for what I had been believing Him. I searched high and low until I found that journal and opened it and began to read it. Tears welled up and I began to cry . See, these last 5 years have been a great learning experience for me. I graduated from Global School of Supernatural Ministry with a Christian Healing Certified Practitioner diploma in healing, deliverance, and inner healing.  I taught an inner healing class with a team of 10 at my church for over 4 years. We heard every story you can imagine.  He led me to Light University where I became a  Board-Certified Mental Health Coach. Currently, I am studying suicide prevention in teens, elderly and veterans and am studying Teen Mental Health  currently.  All part of HIS plan!!

This vision he gave me is based on Jeremiah 29:11 that says He KNOWS the plans He has for US…..(all of us regardless of race, nationality, creed or circumstance) plans for a HOPE and a FUTURE. He told me to call it: J E R E M I A H    H O U S E!!!!!  I thought it would be for victims of domestic abuse/violence, but that never came to fruition.  He told me to find that journal and read it again, the plans He had given me. JEREMIAH HOUSE will be a house of healing- a place where anybody can come and just worship- a place where anybody can come for prayer. He told me to have “healing rooms” where  people could be prayed for in a more intimate setting. He showed me the inside of a building and there were books to read and worship “soaking” music  playing continuously.   He gave me a mission statement and  said there were to be classes to teach the young, displaced, and the elderly.  He said it would be a “SAFE PLACE”  for women to come in times of crisis and leave empowered.  In August of 2012 I wrote this, “ I see a house(place) where people who are hurting can come and pray or just come to sit and rest in God. If someone needs prayer there will someone there to pray with/for them or encourage them. Worship music will always be playing in the background.  This will be a SAFE PLACE for people- more specifically women can come and feel safe.  There will be Bibles and teaching materials. “

So why have I shared all of this? Because I am feeling in my heart that it is time to pray and pour over this vision until it comes to fruition. It’s time to have a place where the hurting can go. Maybe they won’t walk into a church building, but they will come to a place like JEREMIAH HOUSE.

I am asking all of you who read this on our website to pray and agree with me for:

  1. A Building/ office where we can establish Jeremiah House
  2. Funds to run it
  3. Volunteers to help us (must be Born Again!) who are willing to be trained
  4. Furnishings
  5. Bibles, Christian magazines, teaching materials
  6. People that are hurting and need healing 

Will YOU take 5 minutes a day to pray for JEREMIAH HOUSE? There are SO many hurting right now- SO many people need Jesus, need healing, need inner healing and we have been called to be HIS hands and feet in the world, in the USA, in Indiana, and in Hammond and surrounding cities.   JEREMIAH HOUSE will come under the umbrella of SOTERIA MINISTRIES which is a non-profit 501c3. If you would like to plant a seed to help us, it would be greatly appreciated. 

May you be blessed in everything you do today- may everything your hand touches be blessed.  Thank you for your time.

Myra Carden, CHCP, BCMHC

President, CEO and Founder of Soteria Ministries and JEREMIAH HOUSE