In Luke 4:18, Jesus declares that He is uniquely anointed to bring healing to the broken places in people’s hearts, to set captives free, and to lead prisoners into liberty. Jesus brings restoration to people’s lives. Inner Healing deals with your response to hurts and memories from the past, including repressed memories. These hurts and memories may affect your life in the form of bad memories, a feeling of worthlessness and inferiority, fears and anxieties, the inability to feel loved and accepted, and so much more. They may come from such things as the separation from a parent through illness, divorce, or death (which can be experienced as rejection), or the experiences of failure or lack. It can also come from such things as overwhelming fear, abuse, and/or a family history of problems such as alcoholism, violence, sexual abuse, church abuse, or the involvement in the occult, and/or any unresolved burden of guilt.
Soteria helps you identify different areas of emotional hurt and how to realize such things as defense mechanisms, inner vows, bitter roots, inner vows, and so much more; and we invite the presence of the Holy Spirit, asking for His discernment and knowledge of where ungodly beliefs, unhealthy expectancies, and tormenting judgments exists as a result of emotional and mental wounds
Our Sessions are completely confidential and there are always 2(or more) team members working together in every session! Soteria teams are trained in inner healing and deliverance and we approach each session with the reverential fear of the Lord, a deep love for people, and an uncompromised commitment to stay Scripturally accurate and sound in our approach.