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Friday, October 23, 2020


Are you walking around harboring bitterness and unforgiveness? Do you wake up every morning asking yourself “what fresh new hell will today bring”? Do you look at others who are happy, prosperous, walking in their calling or having good relationships and get that snarky emotional attitude toward them to the point it wrecks your whole day? How about being in a position in your church only to be removed and replaced by someone else? Or, maybe you refuse to get involved in a relationship because you are still harboring some pretty severe feelings toward an ex spouse or ex boyfriend/girlfriend. Maybe you know things about your family that have been sworn to secrecy and you have hidden them so deep in your heart that just the thought of bringing them to the surface and to the light creates such an emotional mess on the inside of you that you begin to have panic attacks- or anxiety attacks and refuse to talk about it and push them deeper down on the inside of you. If you have found yourself in any of these scenarios, then you have come to the right place.

You are in the emotional mess you're in because of choices you've made and beliefs you have held deep within your heart. You may have chosen to put up a wall that blocks you from receiving love because you've been hurt, and your heart believes that putting up a wall will keep you safe from being hurt again. The reality is that it doesn't work. Your wall doesn't keep you from getting hurt- - it only keeps you from freely receiving love as God intended. It's only through receiving the love of God in your heart that you can be in that safe place that God intended you to be in.

When you build such walls, you are making a choice to hinder your ability to freely receive love, and the single greatest need that you have (the need to be loved) will not be met (at least in the capacity God intended), and out of that lack of your greatest need being fulfilled, all sorts of emotional and life problems will arise. Almost all addictions, for example, are rooted in your need to be loved not being fulfilled. Your capacity to receive love is hindered by these walls that you have constructed which were meant to protect your heart, but actually cause all sorts of other problems. If Satan can keep your God-given needs from being met God's way, you become vulnerable to seeking out alternative ways to meet those needs. Sin is usually just a vain attempt to manage your emotional pain and lack of fulfillment. Why do we lash out at somebody when they say the wrong thing? We are making them pay for what somebody else did to us years ago as a child. When we fail to love others, we fall into sin, because Jesus commanded us to love one another. However, if our own need to be loved isn't being met, (because of the walls we have constructed in our hearts), it will be difficult to love others because we really can't freely give something we aren't receiving ourselves.

Do you want to live the life that God intended for you to walk in? Do you want to freely love others as Jesus commanded? Then you'll need to work on those walls in your heart, which are hindering your own need for love from being fulfilled. A heart that is not regularly receiving and fully aware of the love of God, is a heart that will not be emotionally healthy, and therefore that person will be prone to struggle with sin as a vain attempt to meet their God-given need to receive and experience His love.

Here's where the problem lies: Too often you cannot let down your walls because whether you realize it or not, you believe that your wall is doing something for you…(protecting you from getting hurt), and until you deal with that belief that your wall is “protecting you”, it will be difficult to just let it go. This is why so many people cannot let go of their anger, because they don't realize is that their anger is doing something to them.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Winning Our Loved Ones

Oct 20, 2021

Many of you have been praying long and hard for an unsaved loved one. Your loved ones have some terrible habits, attitudes, selfishness or sins in their lives that really hurt, frustrate or embarrass you. When you stand praying and believing for the miracle of salvation in their lives, you must forgive them completely. Unforgiveness weakens, dilutes, your power in prayer, your power to move the mountains in your life, your power to get loved ones saved. You must deeply forgive them in order to have the power to release them from the demonic darkness that blinds them to truth and holds them back from salvation.